Holistic Wealth With Keisha Blair

How to Cope with Depression (Tips and Strategies)

June 17, 2024 Keisha Blair Season 6 Episode 23

In this special episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our topic is “How to Cope with Depression”. After the release of our podcast episode on “7 Practical Ways to Overcome Anger”, several Holistic Wealth podcast listeners requested a podcast episode on “How to Cope with Depression”. In this episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast, we delve into the vital topic of coping with depression through a holistic approach. Depression can affect various facets of our lives, and understanding its complexities requires a comprehensive strategy. We explore how the holistic wealth framework by Keisha Blair (i.e.“the art of recovery from disruption”)—encompassing mental, emotional, physical well-being and financial well-being—plays a crucial role in managing depression. By integrating mindfulness, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and emotional resilience, we can create a supportive environment for mental health. This episode offers valuable insights into how interconnected aspects of our lives can influence our mental state and highlights practical steps to foster overall wellness. Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated book, has several chapters to help you master the art of recovery from disruption including coping with depression (as well as grief and tragedy). The Holistic Wealth Personal Workbook is also a great resource. Subscribe and tune into this episode of the Holistic Wealth Podcast. 

Resources Used In This Episode:

 What is Clinical Depression (Major Depressive Disorder)?

Clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder (MDD), is a mental health condition that causes a persistently low or depressed mood and a loss of interest in activities that once brought joy. Clinical depression can also affect how you sleep, your appetite and your ability to think clearly. These symptoms must be present for at least two weeks for a diagnosis.

Clinical depression is a chronic condition, but it usually occurs in episodes, which can last several weeks or months. This is different from persistent depressive disorder, which is mild or moderate depression that lasts for at least two years.